ምክልኻልን amp; ምኽሪ ንልዕሊ ዕድመን (18+ ዕድመን)

እኖናልኩም ጠላዕ ንዓኻትኩምን ንቤተሰብኩምን ጸገም እንተኾይኑ።

ምስ እዞ ዝስዕቡ ልሙድ ዲኻ፧

  • ክተጉድሎ ምቁማር ፈቲንካ እንተኣብዩካ፧
  • ካብዝግብኣካ ንላዕሊ ገንዘብ ተጥፍእ እንተኾንካ፧
  • ዕረፍቲ ትስእን እንተኾንካ ወይ ቀጨውጨው ይብለካ እንተኮይኑ እንተዘይተቃሚርካ፧
  • ኣብ ጥቃኻ ዘለዉ ሰባ ምቁማርካ እንተነኣኢሶማካ፧
  • ዘጥፋእካዮ ገንዘብ ክተማልስ ትጣላዕ ኣእንተሊኻ፧
  • ናይ ምቁማር ገንዘብ እንተተለቂሕካ፧
  • ሕማቅ ይስምዓካ እንተኾይኑ ብዛዕባ ምቁማር ልምድኻን ሳዕቤናቱን፧
  • ናብ ዘይሕጋዊ ነገር ተዋፊርካ እንተኾንካ ንክትቃመር ኢልካ፧

ነብሲ ወከፍ ሕቶ” እወ” ኢልካ ዝመለስካዮ ወፊ ከምዘሎካ የመልክት። ንንጹር ዝኾነ ሜማ ርኸበና፡

Monika Schiemann

Sekretariat & Anmeldung


069 / 53 02 302


Martin Meding



069 / 53 02 301


Ralf Hölzel

Fachberater Glücksspiel


069 / 53 02 306


We can provide you with comprehensive information about gambling. Take the opportunity to obtain a neutral, non-judgemental assessment of your gambling behaviour.

We’ll then give you an outline of available help for your diagnosis and personal situation, if necessary. This could include the following, for example: ongoing support in having yourself excluded as a gambler, participation in group sessions for people with gambling problems or referral to inpatient therapy.

We offer individual, couples and family counselling.

Treating addiction requires comprehensive and holistic support. That’s why we work closely with specialist clinics, support groups, debt counsellors and other social services.

These confidential consultations are voluntary and free of charge. Interpreters are engaged as necessary.

weitere Informationen

Group Sessions

Sharing experiences in a group can be an important step in overcoming a gambling addiction.

We invite you to attend our discussion group for people with gambling problems. The discussion group is led by a specialist for gambling problems.

Register here for the group sessions:

Monika Schiemann

Sekretariat & Anmeldung


069 / 53 02 302


Martin Meding



069 / 53 02 301


Ralf Hölzel

Fachberater Glücksspiel


069 / 53 02 306


Information for Institutions

We also have prevention services tailored to institutional needs:

  • Specialist presentations for social services and multipliers on the addictive potential of gambling (gaming machines, poker, sports bets, online gambling etc.)
  • Information sessions and support for project days at schools and Contributions to regional health care bodies