Contact us about issues such as:
- You have a family member with an addiction?
- Your whole life feels out of control?
- You’ve done everything you can to help? You’ve talked, pleaded, threatened, screamed and more?
- You keep believing empty promises?
- You berate yourself for ‘having done something wrong’?
- You blame yourself for your partner or child having become an addict?
- Your thoughts switch between hope and repeated disillusion?
- Your feelings range between existential anxiety, anger, resignation and powerlessness?
- You sometimes feel exhausted?
- Your whole life seems to be governed by the needs of the addict?
Whenever addiction comes to rule everyday life, this often results in massive financial and social problems. Everybody around the addict suffers, as lies, unreliability or debt cause intense psychological or financial stress among partners, family members and friends. Family members should take good care of themselves in this kind of situation.
We provide counselling and advice to you (and other affected persons from the addict’s social environment) individually and in one-on-one sessions.
We also offer workshops for family members. These are held about every six weeks. The number of participants is between six and ten persons. Family member workshops are run by two experienced counsellors.
For current workshop dates please contact: