
We provide sound professional training for voluntary and educational work with refugees.

Our training courses include

Dealing with traumatised people

Many of the people who have sought refuge in Germany have experienced severe psychological stress and trauma. We share valuable knowledge and methods for supporting stabilisation when working with traumatised people.

Training services for volunteers

  • What is trauma and how can I recognise it?
  • How can I support traumatised people?
  • When do refugees need professional help?
  • How does the asylum procedure work?
  • How do I handle my personal resources well?

Our qualification modules provide volunteers with valuable knowledge and methods relevant to these and other questions. This prepares them for working with traumatised people and supports their personal resilience.

Training services for educational specialists

Working with refugees who have suffered psychological strain or trauma confronts people in social facilities and authorities with numerous questions:

  • What is trauma and how can I recognise it?
  • When do refugees need professional help?
  • How do I find suitable therapy spots?

Our courses answer these questions and provide valuable knowledge for professionals working with refugees, whether as educational specialists, educators, counsellors or in other professions. The courses are delivered as one-day seminars.

The Verbund Psychosoziales Zentrum Rhein-Main Hilfe für Geflüchtete (Psychosocial Centre Rhine-Main Association – Refugee Support) is a cooperation between: Evangelischer Regionalverband (Frankfurt Regional Lutheran Association) Frankfurt am Main e. V., FATRA e. V., Sigmund-Freud Institute, Frankfurt Psychoanalytical Institute e. V. and Anna-Freud Institute. It receives financial support from the Hesse Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration.


Petra Buschkämper



069 / 53 02 225


Silja Dickemann



069 / 53 02 161


Sina Tamar Arndt

Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin


069 / 53 02 162
