Services for People Working with Adolescents and Young Adults (16–25 Years) (Schools, Youth Centres, Associations, etc.)

You have observed unhealthy gambling behaviour at your work with adolescents and young adults (16 to 25 years)?

Contact us about issues such as:

  • You work with young people who boast about their wins from gaming machines, sports bets or online poker?
  • You have experienced affected young people reacting aggressively or by playing down their activities when you ask them about gambling losses?
  • You know young people in your environment who want to play all sorts of games (pool, table football, table tennis etc.) for money?
  • You have become aware of young adults handing in betting slips to betting agencies on behalf of minors?
  • You know young people who talk about family members who gamble?
  • You have observed young people who (need to) borrow money from their peers on a regular basis?

We offer in-house training for teachers and youth work professionals. These training courses are aimed at raising employees’ awareness of gambling and problematic gambling behaviours, and identifying early warning signs. The courses are about three hours long. Dates and times can be arranged individually.

German – Training courses and information materials

Information and consultations are provided free of charge.

Your contact persons

Monika Schiemann

Sekretariat & Anmeldung


069 / 53 02 302


Martin Meding



069 / 53 02 301


Veit Wennhak

Fachberater Glücksspiel


069 / 53 02 307
