Contact us about issues such as:
- You’re new in Frankfurt, or you’ve lived here for a while
- You need help with personal, health, residency and social law questions
- You’re looking for a language or integration course
- You need your certificates and qualifications recognised
- You need support with family reunification
- You’re looking for vocational or further training or other qualifications
- You have questions about family, parenting, day care facilities or school
Our migration consultation service for adult migrants (MBE) assists you with your needs. We’re also able to refer you to other specialist services and educational institutions as needed.
Unsere ausgebildeten Berater*innen sind Fachkräfte aus Sozialpädagogik und Sozialarbeit.
Our qualified counsellors are specialists from the fields of social pedagogy and social work.
Consultations are voluntary and free of charge. All consultations are confidential.
Your contact persons
Sozialberatung für Migranten und Flüchtlinge

Open consultations:
Mondays 9:30am – 12:30pm
Thursdays 2:00am – 5:30pm
You can also make an individual appointment.

Open consultations:
Thursdays, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
You can also make an individual appointment.

Offene Sprechstunde
Tuesdays, 2pm – 4pm.
You can also make an individual appointment.

Counselling is provided independently of your religious or world views and nationality. We provide independent counselling confidentially and free of charge. The migration consultation service for adult migrants receives financial support from: