The facilities “Am Alten Flugplatz Bonames”, “In der Au” in Rödelheim, “Labsaal” in Bockenheim, “Am Poloplatz” in Niederrad and “Sportfeld Edwards” in Berkersheim provide on-site consultations.
Visit us for questions regarding:
- Integration options and language courses
- Work and training
- Subsistence, social law questions
- Family reunification
- Asylum procedure, legal action, law relating to aliens
- Advice for returnees
- Healthcare
- Help in situations of acute personal crisis and referrals to specialist doctors/therapists as required
- Referrals to volunteer projects, recreational options
Contact us. We look forward to meeting you.
Consultation services at residential facilities
Alter Flugplatz Bonames
Am Burghof 53
60437 Frankfurt am Main
069/247 5149 69-33
069/247 5149 69-34
069/247 5149 69-36
Am Poloplatz
Am Poloplatz 8
60528 Frankfurt am Main
069/247 5149 69-80
069/247 5149 69-81
Sportfeld Edwards
August-Schanz-Straße 36
60333 Frankfurt am Main
069/247 5749 69-41
069/247 5749 69-42

Hafize Tran
Leitung Beratung in Großunterkünften
Eschersheimer Landstraße 567, 60431 Frankfurt am Main
069 / 5302-159

Kirsten Lehmann
Im Labsaal, Bockenheimer Landstraße 131, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
069 / 24 75 14 969 44

Jolanda Sannwald
Alter Flugplatz Bonames, Am Burghof 53, 60437 Frankfurt am Main
069 / 24 75 14 969 34

Christina Mahler
Alter Flugplatz Bonames, Am Burghof 53, 60437 Frankfurt am Main
069 / 24 75 14 969 36

Fadime Senpinar
In der Au, In der Au 4-12, 60489 Frankfurt am Main
069 / 24 75 74 969 41